The following video, Headspace, I created over the weekend. It was made for my university Bootcamp task, which was to make a 2 minute film demonstrating the various editing techniques we'd learnt over the past several weeks. These included colour tints, dubbing audio, using After Effects etc. Now, I've been wanting to make a film about my mental health struggles for some time, something that lets audiences hear what it's like inside my head, and until now I'd struggled to form anything other than a basic idea. For whatever reason, now seemed to be the right time that my brain decided to pump out ideas for this film idea that's been on the back burner for a long time.
Incase you didn't already know, I struggle with anxiety and depression. These affect me daily, sometimes severely and sometimes only minutely. But they're pretty much always there. So to help me take the edge off of these I have to take medication every day. Duloxetine for my depression and Aripiprazole for my anxiety. As I said, they don't "cure" it, they just take the edge off.
In terms of new editing techniques, I've used a colour tint on video properly for the first time, I've also used a visual effect from After Effects to illustrate brain synapses at work (also for the first time), and I recreated the audio for the outdoor scenes, as I was some distance from the camera and the wind distorted the audio.
So here I present a glimpse inside my head as well as a look at some new editing techniques I've learnt recently.